With its inception as a Not-For-Profit Organization in 1986, the first meeting with the Regional Parks Department of CRD took place on January 22, 1986, with 50 riders from different horse clubs from whom Elk-Beaver Lake Equestrian Society (EBLES) was formed.
On March 25, 1986, EBLES presented a concept plan for a building project as well as a 3-stage building program to the CRD. At the same time requests for support were sent out to the 17 known horse clubs. The plan was approved by the CRD on April 7, 1986.
On January 27, 1988, the CRD signed the 'License of Occupation' granted to EBLES for the first 5-year period to January 27, 1993. This was intended to cover Stage 1 of the Initial Development.
July 16, 1989, was the Grand Opening Day with opening speeches from: the Honourable Mel Couvelier, the provincial Minister of Finance; Wayne Watkins, Chairman of CRD Parks; and Mayor Howard Sturrock of Saanich. Minister Couvelier cut the opening ribbon after entering in a pony driven buggy.
In February 2016, EBLES wrote a letter to CRD parks asking that equestrian access be retained in the Martindale Valley. Tony Wass and JoAnne Nelson pursued this by attending CRD meetings and trying to work with other user groups of Lochside trail. Eventually the CRD decided not to pave the trail and to continue allowing horses access in the Martindale and the Blenkinsop Valleys. We must, however, remain vigilant in protecting all the trails we have access to. Attend CRD meetings, answer surveys, and make sure the voice of horse riders is not drowned out by larger, organized user groups.
Many countless hours of work from the club's past and current directors and members have made the club and the riding ring site what it is today, a one-of-a-kind facility on lower Vancouver Island for the use and enjoyment of horse riders and enthusiasts. We are very proud of our site and are forever thankful for the dedication and hard work of its founding members.
Go to EBLES Membership Online, click Register > Individual > Donate to EBLES
Please include a note indicating it is a donation. For donations of $20.00 and over, also note whether or not you would like to receive a tax receipt.
Claire Vessey
EBLES Membership Secretary
3498 Maureen Terrace, Victoria, BC V9C 3P7
Email questions to [email protected]
As a non profit society, EBLES can not carry a debt so work must be paid from funds available. Membership fees and the Annual Poker Ride cover basic operating costs such as insurance, HCBC membership, water and hydro expenses, which amounts to about $2000 per year. Major projects are funded in part by user fees charged at horse shows held at the ring but do not cover all the costs.
The resurfacing of the main ring is now complete. Thank-you to everyone who donated funds, time, and energy to the completion of this project. This year we require funds to repair a sprinkler head, replace the door on the judges booth, replace the roof of the garage, repair the harrow, add sand to the warm up ring, and possibly redo the round pen. Fundraising is an ongoing task.
If you shop at the Peninsula Co-op or the Co-op Gas Bar, please support EBLES by using our Co-op number 71517 at the time of your purchase. Funds raised go towards the maintenance of the rings and surrounding facility.
We meet the 7:00 pm, the second Thursday of every month (except July, August and December) on Microsoft Teams. Everyone is welcome. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to attend. The AGM is held at the beginning of the January meeting.
The next meeting is: Thu. March 13, 2025 @ 7 pm .
Email: parkridersunited5@gmail.com
President | Dianne | |
Vice-President | Laura | |
Treasurer | Jennie/Kira | |
Secretary | Michelle | |
Membership | Claire | clairevessey@yahoo.com |
Ring Rentals | Claire | clairevessey@yahoo.com |
CRD Liason | Ted | |
Facilities | Andy | |
Website Content | Lara | parkridersunited5@gmail.com |
Contributing designers: William K, Raina C., and Lara.